1933 Hollywood Cocktails (third printing)

SLOE GIN COCKTAIL Yi French Vermouth Yi Italian Vermouth Y2 Sloe Gin

SILVER COCKTAIL 2 Dashes Maraschino 2 Dashes Orange Bitters Vz French Vermouth Yz Dry Gin

Stir well and strain into cock tail glass.

Shake well and strain into cock tail glass.

SO-AND-SO COCKTAIL Ye Grenadine Ye Calvados Ys Italian Vermouth Ya Dry Gin

SINGAPORE GIN SLING Juice Yi Lemon Y4 Dry Gin 2 Dashes Cherry Brandy

Shake well and strain into cock tail glass.

Shake well and strain into a medium glass. Fill with Roca Blanca water. Add one lump ice.

SOUL KISS COCKTAIL (No.1) Ye Orange Juice Ye Dubonnet

Ya French Vermouth Ya Italian Vermouth


Shake wel I and strain into cock tail glass.

In a shaker filled with cracked ice place a spoonful of Curacao. 2 glasses of Gin, 2 glasses of Sherry,2glasses of French Ver mouth. Stir thoroughly with a spoon, shake, strain, and serve. Add an olive and two dashes of Absinthe to each glass. 36

SOUL KISS COCKTAIL (No.2) Ye Orange Juice Ye Dubonnet Ya French Vermouth Ya Canadian Club Whisky 1 Slice Orange Shake well and strain into cock tail glass.

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