1933 Jack's Manual by J A Grohusko
jack's manual
Regular vermouth (often called Italian vermouth) is a bitter sweet wine.Its component parts are a muscatel wine,aromatized with an infusion of herbs and spices and sweetened with pure sugar. It is fortified with brandy to about fourteen to eighteen per cent.Wormwood is one of the chief herbs used in vermouth, and from it it takes its name. It is extensively used in the preparation of cocktails. Dry vermouth (often called French vermouth) is made in and around Cette, France. Dry vermouth differs from the regular or Italian by being less sweet and somewhat lighter in color. In France it is one of the chief aperitifs and makes the finest cocktails and highballs. Brandy (an abbreviation of"brandy wine") is a spirituous liqueur obtained by the distillation of wine. The name "brandy"is also given to the distillates from peaches, apricots, cider, etc. In England a common kind of brandy, called British, brandy, is distilled from malt liquors, to which the flavor and color of brandy are added. Cognac brandy is acknowledged the standard, especially that produced in the Department of Charente, south of Cognac, France. We may take it as an accepted fact that both by custom and by research it has been found that alcohol in its various forms has its legitimate place in the dietary of both healthy and dis eased organisms. The uncertainty of its effects, however, com pels the medical profession to require a reliable spirit, for unless alcohol is completely eliminated from the organism, its effects, being cumulative, are unsatisfactory; the effects increase in WHISKY BRANDIES OR COGNAC
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