1933 Jack's Manual by J A Grohusko
jack's manual largely impregnated with carbonic acid,engendered by an after- fermentation in the closed bottle by means of added sugar. This process originated in Champagne, where the best spar kling wines are produced, and whence it has spread to the Rhine,the Moselle, and other districts. Champagne which con tains relatively little sugar is called"dry." It is chiefly this kind which is imported into Great Britain, where champagne is used habitually as a dinner wine principally; in France a sweet wine is preferred. At the present day wine is practically a European product, although a certain quantity is made in the United States, at the Cape of Good Hope,and in Australia. France shows today and haslong shown herself to be the most remarkable wine-producing country in the world's history, and this in face of the fact that the United States and Italy possess more territory suitable to grape-growing,and wonderful natural advantages. Why? Because she has taken advantage of the fit ness of her soil for wine; her meteorological conditions; her geographical position in relation to the European markets,and incidentally those of the world; and pardy because of the apti tude of her inhabitants. Spain is second only in reputation to France among,wine growing countries; its white wine, known as Sherry, first brought it into prominence. Sherry is so called from the island of Jerez (Xeres) de la Frontera, the headquarters of this industry. American Champagnes In ourown country the cultivation of the vine has made rapid progress of late years, and American wines are steadily taking the place of the foreign product. American sparkling wines are produced principally in three districts: in New York State, in the Ohio and Missouri district, and in California. The soil and climate of the Pacific Coast seem best adapted to the growth of the vine, and wine-making is one of the leading industries of California. The Mission grape
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