1933 Lest We Forget

Gin Flip.

Use large bar glass. One teaspoonful sugar dissolved in a little seltzer water. One wine-glass gin. One fresh egg. Two or thi-ee lumps of ice. Shake well, and strain into a fancy glass; grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve. One quart bottle of wine. Three tablespoonfuls sugar. One orange sliced. The juice of one lemon. Two slices of pineapple cut in small pieces. Dress with fruit and serve in champagne goblets. Use large bar glass. Three-quarters tablespoonful of sugar, dissolve well. Two or three dashes lemon juice. Fill glass with fine ice. One and one-half glass Medford rum. One dash Jamaica rum. Stir well with spoon. Dress with fruits in season, and serve with straws. Champagne Punch. Serve in champagne goblets. Medford Rum Punch. Use large bar glass. One tablespoonful powdered sugar, dis solved in a little water. Juice of one-half small lemon. One and one-half wine-glass whiskey. Fill glass with shaved ice, shake well; dress with lemon and berries, and serve with straws. Whiskey Punch.


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