1933 Lest We Forget

Brandy Punch.

Use large bar glass. Dissolve one teaspoonful of sugar in a little water. One teaspoonful raspberry syrup. One wine-glass brandy. One-half wine-glass Jamaica rum. Juice of one-half lemon.

Two slices of orange. One piece pineapple.

Fill tumbler with shaved ice; shake thor oughly, and after dressing the top with ber ries in season, serve with straws.

Egg Milk Punch.

Use large bar glass. One teaspoonful of fine white sugar.

One wine-glass of brandy. One-quarter vidne-glass rum. One egg. Small lump of ice.

Fill the glass with pure fresh milk, shake the ingredients well together, and strain into a large glass.

Claret Punch.

Use large bar glass. One teaspoonful powdered sugar. One slice lemon. Two slices orange.

Fill the glass with fine ice. Pour in claret. Shake well. Dress with fruit in season, and serve with a straw.

Rum Flip. Same as Gin Flip, but use Jamaica rum in stead of gin.


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