1933 Lest We Forget

Gold Medal Punch.

Use thin goblet.

Fill with shaved ice. Two dashes raspberry syrup. Three dashes Jamaica rum. One jigger Creme de Menthe. One-half jigger French brandy.

Fill with claret, serve with a straw, and decorate with orange, lemon and strawber ries, and shake powdered sugar on top. Philadelphia Fish-House Punch. One-third pint lemon juice. Three-quarter pound white sugar, dissolv ed in sufficient water.

One-half pint Cognac brandy. One-quarter pint peach brandy. One-quarter pint Jamaica rum. Two and a half pints cold water. Ice and serve. Use sherry wine-glass. One-sixth glass raspberry syrup. One-sixth glass Maraschino. One-sixth glass green vanilla. One-sixth glass red Curacoa. One-sixth glass yellow Chartreuse. One-sixth glass brandy.

Pousse Cafe.

In compounding the above use a smaU wine glass for pouring in each article separately; be very careful in doing so that each portion may be separate. Serve without mixing. Brandy Sangaree. Use small bar glass. Two lumps ice. One-half wine-glass water. One-half tablespoonful sugar. One glass bi-andy. Stir with spoon, grate nutmeg on top and serve. It may be strained.


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