1933 Mixer's Guide



CHAMPAGNE COCKTAIL One lump of sugar in tall, thin glass, one small piece of ice, two dashes of Angosmra bitters, one piece twisted lemon peel. Fill up with champagne; stir and serve. CHAMPAGNE FRAPPE Put bottle in a champagne cooler and pack around it finely shaved ice and salt. Twirl the bottle until it is almost frozen, then it will be ready to serve. CHAMPAGNE VELVET For this drink a bottle of champagne and a bottle of porter (both cold) must be used. Fill the goblet half full of porter and balance with champagne, stir with spoon slowly and carefully. One teaspoonful of sugar. Two slices of orange. Two slices of lemon. One-half glass of cracked ice. Stir well with spoon, ornament with fruits in season, serve with straws. CLARET CUP Large bar glass.—One teaspoon fine sugar, one piece lemon peel, three dashes Sherry, two wine glasses Claret, one wine glass soda. Stir thoroughly and strain. CLARET FLIP Use large bar glass, one-half full of shaved ice, two teaspoonfuls of fine sugar dissolved in a little water, one egg broken in, one and one- half wine glasses of claret wine. Shake well; strain into punch glass; grate nutmeg on top and serve. CLARET COBBLER

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