1933 Mixer's Guide



POUSSE CAFE Use wine glass. This drink must be made very carefully, as each liquor must lie in the glass by itself, and must not mix with th>

others that are added to it. One teaspoonful of Curacoa.

One tablespoonful of vanilla syrup. One tablespoonful of Maraschino. One tablespoonful of Chartreuse. One tablespoonful of brandy. One teaspoonful of raspberry syrup. One tablespoonful of port wine. Serve.


Use a wine glass. One-third wine glass of Maraschino. One-third wine glass of Curacoa. One-third wine glass of brandy. Do not allow- colors to blend. Serve.


AMERICAN BEAUTY PUNCH One teaspoonful creme de menthe in goblet filled with fine ice. Mix juice of one-half an orange. One-half teaspoonful of sugar. One-half brandy. Jigger measure. One-half French vermouth in mixing glass. Shake, strain into goblet. Dress with fruit and mint. Top ofiF with one teaspoonful of port wine.

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