1933 The Bartender's Friend by a Mixer



Orgeat Punch Brandy Orgeat Lemon Juice Ice Claret Oxford Punch Cognac Rum Sherry Wine Cura9ao Orange Shrub

Into a shaker full of ice put i jigger of brandy, i jigger of orgeat, and 4 or 5 dashes of lemon juice. Shake well, and strain into a tumbler contain ing a cube of ice. Fill with claret.

After macerating 3 lemon rinds in a bowl with a small amount of granu lated sugar, add the thin peel of 2 lemons and the thin peel of 2 oranges, the juice of 4 oranges and 6 lemons, and 3 pts. of calf's-foot jelly. Stir well. Add two qts. of boiling water and wait 30 minutes. Strain thor oughly through a cloth into another bowl, and stir into the mixture i pint eachof brandy and rum, i qt. of orange shrub, 2 cups of Sherry, 2 jiggers of Curagao, and i pint of plain syrup. If not sweet enough, add sugar.

Calf's-foot Jelly Plain Syrup Water

Lemons Oranges Sugar

Oyster Bay Cocktail Cura9ao

Shake with fine ice, equal parts of gin and Cura9ao and a dash of Angostura.

Gin Ice

Strain into a cocktail glass.

Angostura Bitters



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