1933 The Bartender's Friend by a Mixer


Pink Lady Cocktail

Into a shaker put the white of i egg, i pony of Grenadine, fill with cracked ice, and add i drink of gin. Shake thoroughly and strain into cocktail glass.

Gin White of Egg Grenadine Ice

Pony Brandy Cognac Water

On the bar set an empty whiskey glass, I small glass of water, i pony glass, and bottle of Cognac. Customer to serve himself, the idea being that the customer will pour his drink into the pony glass, and drink it straight or mixed with the water in the whiskey glass, as he prefers.

Port Cobbler

Follow recipe for Catawba Cobbler and use Port Wine in place of Catawba.

Port Flip

Follow recipe for Brandy Flip, but use Port Wine in place of brandy.

Port Negus

Put I cube of sugar into a small tum bler % full of hot water, fill with wine, stir, and sprinkle with nutmeg.

Port Wine Sugar Water Nutmeg

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