1933 The Bartender's Friend by a Mixer



Whiskey Highball

See Highball and use rye whiskey for your liquor.

Whiskey Julep

Follow recipe for Mint Julep, but use rye whiskey in place of brandy.

Whiskey Punch Rye Whiskey Rum Lemon Juice

In a mixing glass dissolve i teaspoonful of fine sugar in a little water and the juice of Yz lemon, half fill with fine ice, add i jigger of whiskey and I tea- spoonful of rum. Shake, strain, and serve.

Sugar Water Ice

Whiskey Rickey

Follow recipe for Brandy Rickey, but use rye whiskey in place of brandy. (This drink is sometimes called "Joe Rickey.")

Whiskey Sangaree

Follow recipe for Brandy Sangaree, but use rye whiskey in place of brandy.

Whiskey Shake

Follow recipe for Brandy Shake, but use rye whiskey in place of brandy. 1:1443

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