1933 The Bartender's Friend by a Mixer



White Lion

Into a mixing glass put 3 teaspoonfuls of fine sugar and the juice of Yz lemon, fill with fine ice, add jiggers of rum, 3 dashes of Curagao, i teaspoon- ful of raspberry syrup, and shake. Pour into medium tumbler and serve with a straw.

Bacardi Rum Curagao Raspberry Syrup Lemon Juice Sugar Ice

White Plush Whiskey Maraschino Milk Ice

Half fill a mixing glass with cracked ice, fill with milk, stir in i jigger of whiskey, and i pony of Maraschino. Shake vigorously and strain into a tall glass.

White Rat

In a shaker half full of ice shake up 3 parts of absinthe to i of anisette. Strain into a fizz glass and fill with fizz water.

Absinthe Anisette Ice Seltzer Water

Widow's Kiss Cocktail Cognac

In a shaker half full of fine ice put i pony of brandy, i tablespoonful each of Chartreuse and Benedictine, and i dash of bitters. Shake, strain, and serve.

Benedictine Chartreuse Boker's Bitters

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