1933 The Bartender's Friend by a Mixer



Old and New

Absinthe Cocktail

Mix a little more than half a jigger of absinthe, 2 dashes of bitters, dash of anisette, teaspoon of syrup, and wine glass of water. Shake well with ice and strain into cocktail glass.

Absinthe Angostura Bitters Anisette Syrup Tee and Water

Absinthe Drip

Put Yz jigger absinthe into thin bar glass. Fill an absinthe glass with shaved ice, then water. Let water drip into absinthe through hole in absinthe glass to proper color.

Absinthe Ice Water

Absinthe Frappe Absinthe Anisette Ice Seltzer Water

To a shaker glass full of fine ice, add jigger of absinthe, and two dashes of anisette. Shake until frost forms on outside of shaker. Strain into a thin six ounce glass, and add a shot or two of seltzer water.


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