1933 The Bartender's Friend by a Mixer


Ale Punch

To a quart of pale ale add four ounces each of the wine, brandy, and Capil laire, and juice of one lemon. Serve in punch glasses with a sprinkle of grated nutmeg and a piece of dry toast.

Ale White Wine Brandy Capillaire Lemon Nutmeg Toast

Ale Sangaree

In an ale glass dissolve a teaspoonful of confectioner's sugar with a table- spoonful of water and a dash of lemon juice. Put in an ice cube, and fill up slowly with ale, stirring gently. Sprin kle with nutmeg.

Ale Sugar Nutmeg Lemon Juice Ice and Water

Alexander Cocktail

Mix and shake well with fine ice equal parts of Tom Gin, Creme de Cacao, and fresh cream, putting cream in first. Strain and serve in cocktail glass.

Tom Gin Creme de Cacao Fresh Cream Ice

Apple Blossom Cocktail French Vermouth Mix and shake well with fine ice 2 parts Apple Brandy Grenadine Orange Juice Ice of brandy to i of Vermouth; 3 dashes of Grenadine and i of orange juice. Strain and serve.


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