1933 The Bartender's Friend by a Mixer


Baltimore Egg Nog

This drink is made the same as an Egg Nog (which see) except that you add I jigger of Madeira, and use Yz jigger each of brandy and rum instead of i jigger of each.

Rum Brandy Madeira Wine Egg Milk Sugar Nutmeg Ice

Bamboo Cocktail Sherry Wine Italian Vermouth Orange Bitters Ice

Take equal parts of sherry and Ver mouth, two dashes of bitters, and some cracked ice. Shake, strain, and serve in cocktail glass.

Barbados Punch Brandy Rum

Make a Brandy and Rum Punch and to each glass add a teaspoonful of guava jelly at serving. (See Brandy and Rum Punch.)

Lemon Orange Syrup Ice Guava Jelly


Set a liqueur glass on an inverted large whiskey glass, and fill. This is an old method of serving liqueurs. n4o:]

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