1933 The Bartender's Friend by a Mixer


Brandy Fix Brandy- Chartreuse

Into a small tumbler put i jigger of brandy, juice of J/2 lemon, 3 dashes of Chartreuse, and i teaspoonful of fine sugar dissolved in -water. Nearly fill the glass with fine ice. Stir well. Put a small piece of lemon and serve m with a straw or two. In a shaker glass dissolve i teaspoonful powdered sugar with a little water, half fill the glass with chipped ice, pour in a jigger of brandy and the juice of lemon. Shake, and strain into fizz tumbler, and fill with seltzer water. Into a mixing glass break an egg, add a teaspoonful of syrup, half fill the glass with coarse ice, pour in a drink of brandy. Shake hard, strain into a small tumbler, sprinkle with nutmeg, and serve.

Lemon Juice Sugar and Ice

Brandy Fizz Brandy Lemon Sugar Ice

Seltzer Water

Brandy Flip Brandy Egg Syrup Ice Nutmeg

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