1933 The Bartender's Friend by a Mixer


Wine Measure

8 drams 4 ounces 4 gills 2 pints 4 quarts

i ounce

I gill I pint

I quart I gallon I barrel

313/2 gallons

2 barrels

I hogshead

2 hogsheads

i pipe I tun

2 pipes

I Imperial quart

38.4 ounces

I magnum I puncheon

2 quarts

84 gallons

Equivalents and Approximates

I dash

20 drops 30 drops 60 drops 120 drops

I thimbleful I teaspoonful

I dessert-spoonful I tablespoonful

240 drops or 3^ ounce 480 drops or i ounce 960 drops or 2 ounces

I pony I jigger

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