1933 The Bartender's Friend by a Mixer



Brandy Rickey Brandy Lime Juice Ice Fizz Water Brandy Sangaree Brandy Port Wine Sugar Ice Nutmeg Water

Put a lump of ice into a highball glass, add a jigger of brandy and the juice of half a lime. . Fill with any good effer vescent water.

Into a mixing glass put i teaspoon ful of powdered sugar dissolved in water sufficient, fill up with fine ice, add i jigger of brandy, shake, and strain into small bar glass. Float a teaspoonful of Port Wine, and sprinkle with nutmeg.

Brandy Scaffa Brandy Maraschino Bitters

Equal parts of brandy and Maraschino to fill a wineglass. Add a couple of dashes of bitters. Put Maraschino in first, brandy next. Keep colors sep arate.

Brandy Shake Brandy Lime Juice Syrup, Plain Ice

Into a mixing glass put a jigger of brandy, 2 teaspoonfuls of syrup, the juice of 2 limes, and fill with ice. Shake and strain into any small glass.


w. ';'

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