1933 The Bartender's Friend by a Mixer


Brooklyn Cocktail Whiskey, Rye Vermouth, Italian Bitters, Angostura Ice

Take equal parts of whiskey and Ver mouth, add 2 dashes of bitters, and some shaved ice. Shake, strain, and serve.

Brunswick Cooler

Into a mixer put i wineglass of Ca tawba, juice of I lemon, 2 teaspoon- fuls of sugar, and some shaved ice. Shake and strain into tall glass. Fill with cold ginger ale.

Catawba Wine Ginger Ale Lemon Juice Sugar Ice

Burgundy Cup

Dissolve 3 tablespoonfuls of fine sugar in a glass pitcher; add juice of i orange, juice of j/2 lemon, i jigger of brandy, a pony of Benedictine, a pony of Cura sao, I quart of Burgundy, a pint of Apollinaris, and a few lumps of ice. Stir thoroughly and pour into cups.

Burgundy Wine Brandy Benedictine Curagao Orange Juice Lemon Juice Apollinaris Water Sugar Ice

Burnt Brandy Brandy Sugar

Put a couple of squares of sugar into a small shallow dish, add l jiggers of brandy. Ignite brandy with a match. After minutes smother with larger dish, and pour into a whiskey glass. 1:533

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