1933 The Bartender's Friend by a Mixer

Cafe Royal

In an after-dinner cup mix lYz jiggers of black coffee with jigger of brandy, whiskey, or rum, as preferred.

Brandy (Whiskey or Rum) Coffee

Calisaya Cocktail Calisaya Whiskey Ice Lemon Peel Canadian Cocktail Canadian Rye Whiskey Cura9ao Lime Juice Sugar Ice Canadian Punch Rye Whiskey Rum Lemons Pineapple

Use equal parts of whiskey and calisaya with plenty of fine ice. Shake, strain, and add a twist of lemon peel.

To equal parts of Curaqao and whiskey add the juice of i lime, i teaspoonful of sugar, and plenty of shaved ice. Shake, strain, and pour.

Mix 3 qts. of water, 3 pts. of whiskey, I pt. of rum, 5 sliced lemons, sliced pineapple, and sugar to taste. Ice and serve from small punch bowl.

Water Sugar Ice


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