1933 The Bartender's Friend by a Mixer


Claret Flip

Into a shaker put I egg, 2 teaspoonfuls of powdered sugar, 2 jiggers of claret, and a few lumps of ice. Shake vigor ously, strain into a punch glass, and dust with nutmeg.

Claret Egg Sugar Ice Nutmeg

Claret Lemonade

Add I jigger of claret in the making of an ordinary sweet Lemonade (which see).

Claret Punch

In a punch glass dissolve a tablespoon- ful of fine sugar with smallest amount of water; half fill with fine ice, add juice of Y2 lemon, and fill with claret. Stir thoroughly and fruit. Serve with straws. (To make for a party, see Im perial Punch.)

Claret Lemon Juice Ice

Sugar Water

Clover Club Cocktail

Into a shaker put the white of one egg, juice of lemon, i teaspoonful of Vermouth, plenty of cracked ice, and 2 parts of gin to I of Grenadine. Shake, strain, and serve.

Gin Grenadine Vermouth White of Egg Lemon Juice Ice


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