1933 The Bartender's Friend by a Mixer


Clover Leaf Cocktail

Add a bruised sprig of mint to the in gredients of a Clover Club Cocktail, and serve with a mint leaf on top.

Club Cocktail

Shake up 2 parts of gin, i part of Ver mouth, 2 dashes of syrup, 2 dashes of orange bitters, and plenty of fine ice. Strain and serve.

Gin Vermouth Orange Bitters Syrup, Plain Ice

Coffee Cobbler

Dissolve 2 teaspoonfuls of sugar in ^ cup of black coffee, pour it into a lemonade glass % full of fine ice, add a drink of brandy, stir, and serve with a straw.

Black Coffee Brandy Sugar Ice

Coffee Cocktail Brandy

Into a shaker break i egg, add 3 or 4 dashes syrup, plenty of cracked ice, 2 dashes of bitters, i jigger of wine, Y2 jigger of brandy. Shake, strain, and pour into a cocktail glass. Sprinkle with nutmeg. (This drink is named for color, not content.)

Port Wine Angostura Egg Ice Nutmeg Syrup, Plain


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