1933 The Bartender's Friend by a Mixer



Dry Martini Cocktail Dry Gin French Vermouth Orange Bitters Ice Olive

Shake up 2 parts of gin to one of Ver mouth with two dashes of orange bit ters and plenty of fine ice. Strain into a cocktail glass. Insert an olive on a toothpick.

Dry Vermouth Cocktail

Made the same as a Vermouth Cock tail, except that all of the Vermouth should be French Vermouth, and no syrup is used.

Dubonnet Cocktail

Shake up equal parts of Dubonnet and gin with plenty of shaved ice. Strain into cocktail glass with twist of orange peel.

Dubonnet Dry Gin Ice Orange Peel

Duke of Norfolk Punch

(See Bottled Norfolk Punch.)


Into a mixing glass put a tablespoonful of fine sugar in the juice of half a lemon, add i jigger of rum and 2 dashes of Curasao, half fill with fine ice. Shake and strain into a Collins glass. Fill with soda water. 1:683

Rum Curagao Lemon Juice Sugar Ice Soda Water

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