1933 The Bartender's Friend by a Mixer



Hot Brandy and Rum Punch

This drink is made the same as a Brandy and Rum Punch (which see), except that you use very hot water in place of shaved ice, and ground nut meg in place of berries. Serve with a spoon instead of a straw.

Hot Brandy Flip Brandy Egg Yolk

In a mixing glass dissolve a teaspoon- ful of powdered sugar in i tablespoon- ful of warm water, add the yolk of one egg and i jigger of brandy. Shake well, and pour into a warm thin tum bler. Add boiling water and sprinkle with nutmeg.

Sugar Water Nutmeg

Hot Brandy Sling

Same as a Brandy Sling (which see), except that you use hot water to fill, in place of water and ice.

Hot Brandy Toddy Brandy

In a small rickey glass dissolve i tea- spoonful of powdered sugar with i tablespoon of warm water, add a drink of brandy, a spoon, and fill with boiling water. Stir, and sprinkle with nutmeg.

Sugar Water

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