1933 The Bartender's Friend by a Mixer


Kentucky Toddy

Follow formula for Brandy Toddy, but use Bourbon whiskey in place of brandy.

Kirschwasser Punch

Dissolve Y2 tablespoonful of pulverized sugar in a little water in a tall glass, add jiggers of Kirschwasser, 3 dashes of lime juice, and i tablespoon ful of Maraschino. Fill glass with shaved ice, stir, and serve with a straw. Fill a sherry glass H full of vanilla cordial, add l unbroken egg yolk and Benedictine to cover yolk, fill with Kummel, and add 2 drops of orange bitters. Don't allow the above ingredi ents to mix. Shake well together with plenty of fine ice the juice of lime, i tablespoonful of raspberry syrup, 2 dashes of Cura sao, and I full jigger of rum. Strain and serve with half slice of orange.

Kirschwasser Maraschino Lime Juice

Sugar Water Ice


Vanilla Cordial Egg Yolk Benedictine Kummel Orange Bitters

Knickerbocker Cocktail

Rum Raspberry Syrup Curasao Lime Juice Ice Orange


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