1933 The Bartender's Friend by a Mixer

Lemon Phosphate Lemon Soda Lemon Juice Acid Phosphate Ice

Put three lumps of ice into a tall glass, add the juice of lemon, 2 dashes of acid phosphate, and fill with lemon soda water. Stir gently, and serve.


Into a mixing glass full of shaved ice put the juice of large lemon, i heap ing tablespoonful of sugar, and fill with water. Shake well and strain into a lemonade glass containing a lump or two of ice, top with half slice of orange, and insert two straws. Into a mixing glass % full of chipped ice put I jigger of brandy, i teaspoon- ful of Jamaica ginger, i tablespoonful of raspberry syrup. Shake, strain into a tumbler, and fill with soda water and I lump of ice.

Lemon Juice Sugar Ice Water

Lightning Brandy

Jamaica Ginger Raspberry Syrup Ice Soda Water


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