1933 The Bon Vivant's Companion by George A Zabriskie


The Bon Vivant's Companion

GIN FIX 1 tablespoon of sugar H lemon wineglass of water 1 wineglass of gin Fill M full of shaved ice. Stir with spoon, ornament the top with fruits in season.

HORSE'S NECK Lar^e thin glass

2 dashes lemon juice Peel lemon in a long string, place in glass, fill glass with ice 1 bottle ginger ale. Serve.


Peel of lemon in 1 string place in glass so that it hangs over 1 jigger applejack Yi glass of cracked ice Bottle of imported ginger ale. Serve. Uere's to the lasses we've loved, my lad, Jdere's to the lips we've pressed, OFor oj kisses and lasses, Like licjuor in glasses. The la§l is always the be§t.

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