1933 The Bon Vivant's Companion by George A Zabriskie

Jlje Bon Vivant's Companion


Mixing them well, then gently pour Into the skillet with the wine— And stir it briskly all the time. Then pour it off into a pitcher; Grate nutmeg in to make it richer; Then drink it hot, for he's a fool Who lets such precious liquor cool."

ALE SANGAREE 1 teaspoonful sugar, dissolved in a tablespoonful water. Fill the tumbler with ale, and grate nutmeg on top.

BRANDY SANGAREE The Brandy Sangaree is made with same ingredients as the Brandy Toddy, omitting the nutmeg. Fill % full of ice, and dash about a teaspoonful of port wine, so that it will float on top. GIN SANGAREE The Gin Sangaree is made with same ingredients as the Gin Toddy, omitting the nutmeg. Fill % full of ice, and say about a teaspoonful of port wine, so that it will float on top.

And the ni^ht shall he filled with music, And the cares that inJeSl the day Shall fold their tents like the Arabs And as silently Steal away.

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