1933 The Bon Vivant's Companion by George A Zabriskie

Cfhe Bon Vivant's Companion


PORTER SANGAREE This beverage is made the same as Ale Sangaree, and is sometimes called Porteree.

. PORT WINE SANGAREE 1H •wineglasses of port wine 1 teaspoonful of sugar Fill tumbler % with ice Shake well and grate nutmeg on top.

SHERRY SANGAREE 1 wineglass of sherry 1 teaspoonful of fine sugar Fill tumbler M with ice, grate nutmeg on top.

BADMINTON Peel half a middle-sized cucumber, and put it into a silver cup with four ounces of powdered sugar, a little nutmeg, and a bottle of claret. When the sugar is thor oughly dissolved, pour in a bottle of soda water, and it is fit for use.

J^ere's to a bird, a bottle, and an open-work-stocking. Jhere's nothing in that that's so very shocking. Jhe bird came front Jersey, the bottle from T'rance, Uhe open-work stocking was seen at a dance->.

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