1933 The Bon Vivant's Companion by George A Zabriskie


The 'Bon Vivant's Companion

(equal to M pound) on the lemon rind until all the yellow part of the skin is absorbed, then squeeze the juice and strain it. Add the sugar and lemon juice to the port wine, with the grated nutmeg; pour over it the boiling water, cover the jug, and when the beverage has cooled a little it will be fit for use. Negus may also be made of sherry or any other sweet wine, but it is more usually made of port. This beverage derives its name from Colonel Negus, who is said to have invented it. RUMFUSTIAN This is the singular name bestowed upon a drink very much in vogue with English sportsmen after their return from a day's shooting, and is concoded thus: The yolks of a dozen eggs are well whisked up and put into a quart of strong beer; to this is added a pint of gin; a bottle of sherry is put into a saucepan, with a stick of cinnamon, a nutmeg grated, a dozen large lumps of sugar, and the rind of a lemon peeled very thin; when the wine boils, it is poured upon the gin and beer, and the whole drunk hot.

Trappy are we met. Trappy have we been. Trappy may we part, and happy meet again.

!May Dame fortune ever smile on you, Vut never her daughter — !Miss CFortuntj.

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