1933 The Bon Vivant's Companion by George A Zabriskie

!The Von Vivant's Companion


WEST INDIAN PUNCH This punch is made the same as Brandy Punch, but to each glass add a clove or two of preserved ginger and a little of the syrup.

WHISKEY PUNCH 1 wineglass of whiskey (Irish or Scotch) 2 wineglasses of boiling water Sugar to taste

Dissolve sugar well with one wineglass of water, then pour in the whiskey, and add the balance of the water; sweeten to taste; put in a small piece of lemon rind, or a slice of lemon.


This is a genuine Irish beverage. pure whiskey

% boiling water, in which sugar has been dissolved If lemon isused, the rind is rubbed on the sugar, and a littleof the juice is added before the whiskey is poured in. J^ere's to woman, whose heart and whose soul. Are the light and lije oj each spell we pursue/ Whether sunn'd at the tropics, or chilled at the Pole, Jf women he there, there is happiness too. !May we have the unspeakable good fortune to win a true heart, and the merit to keep it-,.

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