1933 The Cocktail Book Repeal Edition (New Revised Edition)

Jersey Gjcfctail.

Use Thin Cider Glass. ®NElump ice; one-half teaspoonfnl fine sugar; two dashes Boker's bitters; one piece lemon peel. FiU up with cold cider. Stir well, and serve while efferves cent.

Kemble House GjcktaiL

Use Mixing Glass.

r. 'UR dashes Femet-Branca bitters; one- quarter French vermouth; three-quar ters orange gin. Fill with ice,shake well, and strain into a cocktail glass.

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Lemon G)cktail.

Use Mixing Glass.

dashes Angostura bitters; two dashes gum syrup; lemon juice. Fill with ice, mix, and strain into a cocktail glass.



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