1933 The Cocktail Book Repeal Edition (New Revised Edition)

Brandy Smasli.

Use Small Tumbler. •^TIRjEE or four sprigs of fresh mint; cover bottom with water; one lump sugar; crush the mint; add one or two lumps of ice; one portion brandy. Stir well, and serve in same glass.

Buttered Rum.

Use Tumbler.

/^NE lump sugar; dissolve in hot water; one-third rum; two-thirds hot water; butter the size of a walnut. Grate a little nutmeg on top.

Cafe au Kirsch.*

Use Mixing Glass. jpILL glass hah full of fine ice; half *81 a cup of hot black coffee; one pony Kirschwasser. Shake, and strain into a cocktail glass. *After-dinner drink.


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