1933 The Cocktail Book Repeal Edition (New Revised Edition)

Mint Jttlep.

Vsa Large Glass. ©NE-HALF tablespoonful sugar; one- half wine glass water; three or four sprigsfresh mint. Fill up glass with shaved ice. Do not stir or shake, but let stand three or four minutes till glass is frosted. One wine glass Bourbon whiskey. Orna ment with cluster of mint.

Mint Julep —Brandy, AKEthe same as above,using brandy instead of Bourbon whiskey.

Morning-GIory Fizz*

Use Mixing Glass. ©NE tablespoonful fine sugar; juice of half lemon; one portion Scotch whis key; three dashes absinthe; white of one egg. Fill glass with ice, shake well, strain into fizz glass, and fill with siphon.


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