1933 The Home Bartender

RITZ FIZZ Juice of % lemon, 1 Jigger Hennesey 3 Star brandy, 1 barspoon Sugar, Ice, Mix, Strain, serve with Seltzer. Crushed Lemon Peel top. GIN FIZZ 1 jigger of Gin, juice of ~2 a lemon, 1 barspoon of sugar, Mix, strain, then fizz with a siphon, twist lemon peE:l on top, stir. CANADIAN FIZZ 1 jigger Canadian Club Whiskey, juice of % a .lime, 2 barspoons of sugar, 1 fresh egg, mix good, strain and pour into claret glass, then fizz with siphon, ~tir. LONDON FIZZ 1 jigger Gordon Gin, juice of % a lime, % jigger of Gre:nadine, Mix, Strain into Glass, Fizz with Siphon. McGREGOR'S FIZZ 1 jigger imported Scotch Whiskey, 1 barspoon of sugar, · juice of % lime, mix and strain into Glass, fizz with seltzer. ~ AMERICAN BEAUTY FIZZ 1 jigger Sloe Gin, % jigger raspberry syrup, 1 egg yolk, % jig_ger Cream, juice of ~2 a lt-mon, Mix thoroughly, pour into Claret glass and then fi.z~ with siphon. ASTORIA FIZZ ~2 jigger rye whiskey, ~2 jigger port wine, 1 barspoon sugar, juice * a lemo·n, white of one egg, Mix, Strain, fill with stUzer. · JAMAICA FIZZ 1 jigger Jamaica Rum, 1 barspoon of sugar, juice of ~2 .a lime, Mix, Serve with siphon. SILVER F'IZZ 1 jigger dry gin, 1 barspoon sugar, Juice of % lemon, white of one egg, mix, strain into lemonade glass, then fizz with siphon.


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