1933 The Home Bartender

SLINGS Crush one cube o:f. sugar in a Glass with one teaspoon of Water. Add one cube of Ice. '.!;hen add, Liquor. Crush .t Piece of Lemon, or Orange Peel top if desired. Stir "·ith Spoon. Serve. THREE STAR SLING Mash % cube sugar in old fashioned glass, poui: 1 jigger Hennessey's 3 Star into Glass also, 1 crushed lemon peel, . ube of ice, Stir. LAKE LOUISE SLI•NG Mash % cube of Sugar in old fashioned glass, pour 1 jigger Canadian Whiskey over same, also 1 cube ice, Stir. BACARDI. SLING Crush 1 cube of Sugar in old fashioned glass with bar nusher, pour 1 jigger Bacardi Rum over same, also one n nd lemon and cube of ice. Stir with Spoon and Serve HOLLAND SLING 1 jigger Holland Gin, mash % cube sugar, pour in old lashioned glass w ith rind of a lemon and cube of ice. S ir with Spoon and Serve. BOURBON SLING Crush % cube sugar with bar-masher in old fashioned 1,l.is:;, then p.our 1 jigger bourbon whiskey into same, also u ushed lc:mon, cube of ice. Stir with Spoon and Stir. GIN SLING (English) Put a half a small lemon cut int o thn:e slices int o a J .r~;: t i;mbler, with t wo cubes of sugar, fill glass with fine s.iaved ice and add one jigger and a half of good Gin, £erve with straw. Stir with Spoon and Serve.

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