1933 The Home Bartender

FISH HOUSE PUNCH (English) 2 quarts whiskey, 1 pint of benedictine, 1 quart peach brandy, 1 pint curacao, 1 pint Jamaica rum, 1~2 pounds granulated sugar, juice of 4 dozen Lemons, mix all above ingredients and pour into a demijohn crock or jug, do not seal for 10 to 12 days, stir everyday. Strain thru cloth, serve in punch bowt and add one quart sweet cider, also 2 quarts Charged Watt'l". CLARET PUNCH 2 quarts Claret, 1 quart white rock, 2 jiggers Hennessey's Brandy, 1 jigger Grenadine, % jigger simple syrup, 2 long thin cucumber rinds, 8 maraschino cherries, 1 small sliced lemon, 1 small sliced orange, 2 sliced pineapplE.'s cut small, 1 dozen green grapes, 1 pear sliced small, mix and serve in punch bowl that contains a large piece of ice. Stir. MOSELLE WINE PUNCH 3 quarts Moselle Wine, 2 jiggers Benedictine, 2 quarts Apolinaris Spring Water, 2 dozen Maraschino Cherries, * No. 1 can pineapple, 1 orange, 1 lemon sliced thin in quarters. Large piece of Ice in container. Mix all thorough– ly, keep cold and serve with sprig of mint if desired. Use glass cups. TODDIE BOWL (English) Take rind of 4 large lemons and put into bowl with one pound of sifted sugar and a quart of cold water, let- it soak for several hours or until flavored well. Take out the rind and put in its place mixed fruits. Mix all thoroughly. Ten minutes before service add 1 quart aged rum. Stir and Mix Good. ServE.•. CHAMPAGNE WINE PUNCH 3 quart~ Champagne, 2 quarts Apollinaris water, 2 jig– gers brandy, 2 lemons, 2 oranges sliced very thin, ~~ cup crushed pineapple and juice, 2 doz. cherries and large piece ice 1n bowl. Mix all thoroughly, serve in glass cups, de– corate with sprig mint if desired.

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