1933 The Home Bartender
Place fresh lemons in an oven for a few minutes until they become rather soft, then squeeze; take one jigger lemon juice or juice of one lemon, mix with one barspoon of sugar, add water and mix thoroughly with cracked ice. Rerve with Straw. RUM LEMONADE 1 jigger rum, .mix with basic recipe for lemonade p_our . into Lemonade glass and stir with soda water. BRANDY LEMONADEE 1 jigger Brandy, mix with basic recipe for lemonade, pour into lemonade glass, and mix with ginger ale. TORONTO LEMONADE Use Basic recipe and mix with one jigger Canadian whiskey. Use lemonade glass and izz with seltzer. HOT LEMONADE WHISKEY 1 jigger lemon juice, 2 barspoons sugar, 1 jigger whiskey. Fill glass with hot water, mix and serve hot. Slice of lemon on top. SCOTTY'S LEMONADE Use Basic Recipe for lemonade and mix with one jigger Scotch whiskey, pour into lemonade glass, and fizz with syphon seltzer. GORDON LEMONADE Use basic recipe for lemonade and mix with one jigger Gordon Gin, fizz with seltzer. LEMONADES WITH FRUITS Use basic recipe and fill with any water desired. Stir, use lemonade glass. Serve with fresh fruits top.
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