1933 The Home Bartender


One half an ounce of orange flowers. Put them in a jug pour over them half a pint of boiling water, leave them for five minutes. Strain the tea and sweeten with honey or simple syrup. This recipe makes half a pint. EGG CORDIAL Beat one egg extra good, then mix with one jigger Benedictine and ;2 jigger of fresh Cream, Ice, Mix, Strain, nutmeg top. GOLDEN HORSE SHOE One egg yolk, 1 jigger cream, ;!! juke of lemon, -1 pony of yellow chartreuse, 1 barspoon sugar, ice, mix, strain into lemonade glass and fill with imported soda water, cherry orange and lemon slice top, stir before serving. CURE OF A BAD HEADACHE Take 2 large thin glasses, put one or two barspoons bromo seltzer into> one glass, fill other half full of seltzer then pour one to tlie other sevt'ral times then serve. Or else one or two grains of Aspirin. Water chaser. • MARY ANN 1 jigger Irish Whiskey, ·;2 Barspoon sugar, juice of ;2 lemon. Ice, ser:ve with soda water in lemonade glass with cube of ice, stir, mint top. ·LORENZO 1 jigger Apricot Brandy, ~ juice of lime, 1 dash of Absinthe, 1 jigger orange juice or juice of one orange, Mix, Ice and strain into lemonade glass, fill with soda water, stir, serve orange and lemon slice top. MARIE LOUISE ~~ice of ~ a lim~, juice of ~. a lemon, 2 barspoons sugar, I Jigger of Canadian club whiskey, Ice, Mix, strain into Collins glass and fill with ginger ale, Cherry and slice orange top. -49-

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