1933 The Home Bartender

P a g e Lillian W a gner ················- 55 Lucky Rose .......................... 53 I;orenzo .................................... 49 Lem on Bra ndy .:.................. 51 Mary Ann .............................. 49 Marie Louise ........................ 49 Mam ie T ayle r .................... 50 .Mornings Morning ............ 50 Maid ens Drea m ................... 58 Meadow L a rk ...................... 59 M ilady ...................................... 57 Mickey Finn ........................ 50 Maiden Blush ........... .!......_. 59 Nlg)lt Ca p ................ ...........- 50 Nec ta r ···································- 51 Noyeau ··-······························ 52 Orang e Bitters ····················- 57 Ora n geade (Liqueur J ······- 51 Ora n g e Flower W a t er ····- 49 Ora nge Gin ............................ o3 Pause L'Amour ···············- 59 Pousse Cafe 1 .................... 55 Pousse Ca fe 2 ···················- 55 P a lm B ea ch .......................... 50 Plea sant Girl ···················- · 54 Prince George ...................... 58 Pony .......................................... 56

Page Race Track ···········-·········- 55 Rhine Wine and Seltzer .. 54 Rock and Rye ·······-··-······· 54 Rolls Royce .......................... 59 Rosie O'Gra d y ...................... 56 Saratoga Girl ...................... 53 Sherry and E gg ···- ············· 50 Sherry and Bitter s ............ 50 Sherry and Orange ............ 50 Shady Nook ···-···········--······ 59 Speedy Girl .......:...:............- 50 Sloe Gin ········-························ G2 Sulssess ····--·········-·············- 55 Sulsette ···-··-···················- 56 Sweet Adeline - ·················· 53 Sweet M.arie ····-·····- --··-··· 57 Sweet B a by ········------ 58 Sweet Dreams ...................... 69 Sweet Ora n ge B itter s ···-· 57 Tit Float ··-··-······················· 58 Queen of Spa d es ................ 53 Queen Alexandria ···- ······- 59 Whis key Straight ·····- ···-- 55 Whiskey Cordia l ·······-·-··· 51 Whiskey L emona d e Float 59 Yankee Girl ···············-······- 53 Y a nkee Boy ·················-·····- 56

Salesmen, Crew Managers, and Distributors Wanted Everywhere. It Sells on .Sight For All Information Address: J. F. DRISCOLL Post Office-Uptown Station Chicago, Ill.


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