1933 The Home Bartender

GOOSEBERRY WINE Pick both ends, and bruise or crush the fruit and put in large tub or barrel with cover. Let stand twenty-four hours then drain the juice, add one quart of lukt- warm water to every gallon of Gooseberries. Let stand twelve hours, then mix water with the.• juice, and add twelve pounds of loaf sugar to five gallons of liquid. Let fer– ment well in warm but not hot place. In two or three days it will be ready for your barrel. Put two quarts ·of brandy in barrel to five gallons of liquid. Bung .it well, then after six months it is ready to drink (the older the better) DAMSON PLUM WiNE_ Stone dry Damsons not too dry in Vessel with Faucet, 8 pounds fruit to one gallon water, boil the water, pour over fruit scalding hot, let stand 2 days then drain it off. To every gallon liquor put 3 pounds of fine sugar. Pour into cask and use.• after 100 days. The older the better. CHERRY RED WINE Ten gallons pure juice of cherries, add 24 pound! gran– ulated sugar, Mix well, Let stand 3 days covered, Mix twice a day, Press fruit thru cloth and add juice. Mix both well and strain into -Cask, add 5 pints good brandy. Rind of 6 lemons pare.'d thin, (no Whites) also one oz. best isinglass dissolved in little water, Tighten bung in keg good, let stand in cellar 90 days or over. · RED RASPBERRY WINE Put any amount raspberries in stone crock, cover with boiling water allow to cool ove.r night, (mash if desired) s~rain through clean. white cloth into crock. Let ferment 18 days then add one pound sugar to every gallon of rasp– berry juice, also one pint of aged gin or brandy then bottk


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