1933 The Merry Mixer by William Guyer


Juice of V2 Lemon Yi tablespoon powdered Sugar Jigger Silver Wedding Gin Sha\e well in tumbler; fill with soda water. Add ice

BRANDY FIZZ Juice of Vz Lemon .• • Vz tablespoon Sugar I glass Napa Valley Brandy Sha\e well, strain into medium size glass, fill with syphon soda water

•k -k -k

DUBONNET FIZZ Juice of Yz Orange ... Juice of Y^ Lemon Teaspoon Heering's Cherry Brandy I glass Dubonnet Sha\e well, strain into medium size glass. Fill with soda water

GIN FIZZ Juice of Yi Lemon ... 54 tablespoon Sugar I glass Silver Wedding Gin Sha\e well, strain into large size glass and fill with syphon soda water


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