A cordial prepared from secret formuIaE by
the Benedictine monks at Fecamp, France.
It is supposed to contain cardamon seeds,
arnica flowers, angelica root, lemon peel,
thyme, nutmegs,cassia, hyssop, peppermint,
and cloves.
A class of cathartic and tonic liquors, com
pounded, usually, of herbs and wines or
brandy. The best known bitters are Angos
tura, containing bark from a tree grown in
South America; Calisaya, containing cin
chona, or quinine; Orange; Boonekamp;
Amer Picon (not short for "American," in
cidentally); Peychaud.
A liqueur prepared by the Carthusian monks
formerly at their monastery, La Grande
Chartreuse, in the French Alps
...now at their new home in
Tarragona, Spain. The formula
for its preparation is said to be
known only by the Father Su
perior of the Order. Analysts
have surmised that Chartreuse
contains among its ingredients
balm leaves, orange peel, dried hyssop tops,
peppermint, wormwood, angelica seed, and
root, cinnamon, mace, cloves. Tonka beans.
Calamus aromaticus, and cardamon. In ad
dition, herbs peculiar to the region of the
Grande Chartreuse are said to be requisite.