1933 When good fellows get together (Drink and service manual)

Fizz—Elks, (use large bar glass) Juice of J/2 lemon. Yz tablespoon sugar. 1/2 wineglass Rye Whiskey. Yi wineglass Port Wine. White of 1 egg.

Shake well. Strain into small glass. Add Seltzer water, and serve with a slice of pine apple. Fizz—Garette. (use large bar glass) Yolk of 1 egg. 2 teaspoons powdered sugar. Shake well. Strain into'medium-sized glass. Fill with Seltzer water. To be drunk while effervescing. Fizz—Gin. (use large bar glass) Yi tablespoon sugar. 3 or 4 dashes lemon juice. Yi glass shaved ice. 1 wineglass of Old Tom Gin. Stir well with spoon, and strain into large bar glass. Shake well. Fill with 'Vichy or Seltzer water. Mix well and serve at once. Fizz—Golden, (use large bar glass) 3 dashes lemon juice. 1 pony glass Brandy. Yi glass shaved ice.

1 tablespoon fine white sugar. 3 dashes lemon or lime juiee. ■Yolk of 1 egg. 1 wineglass Old Tom Gin. 2 or 3 ice cubes.

Shake well. Strain into medium-sized bar glass, and fill up with Seltzer. Serve at once. Fizz—FFoflman House, (use mixing goblet) Juice of Yl lime.

1 teaspoon fine sugar. 1 drink Plymouth Gin. 1 teaspoon cream.

Fill glass with shaved ice. Shake well and strain into high ball glass. Fill balance with Seltzer water, and serve while effervescing. I 35 ]

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