1933 When good fellows get together (Drink and service manual)

Egg Nogg. For a Party. (31/2 gallons) Twenty fresh eggs. 2J/2 quarts Brandy. 1 pint Santa Crus Rum. 2/4 gallons rich milk. 2 pounds white sugar. Separate whites of the eggs from the yolks. Beat each separately with an egg beater. Mix all the ingredients, except the milk and the egg whites, in a large punch bowl. Then pour the milk in gradually, stirring contin uously to prevent milk from curdling with the eggs. Grate nutmeg over the top. Lastly, float the whites on top. Decorate with col ored sugar. Cool in a tub of ice, and serve. Frappe—Champagne. Place a bottle in a champagne cooler filled with shaved ice and rock salt. Whirl the bottle until it becomes almost frosen. Julep—Pineapple. For a Party of Six. Juice of 2 oranges. 1 gill raspberry syrup. 1 gill Maraschino. 1 gill Old Tom Gin. 1 quart bottle sparkling Moselle. 1 pineapple, cut fine. Put all the ingredients in a glass punch bowl. Add berries in season, ice, and serve in flat glasses.

Lemonade Powders.'

1 pound powdered loaf sugar. 1 ounce Tartaric or Citric Acid. Twenty drops Essence of Lemon.

Mix and keep very dry. Two or three tea spoons of this, stirred briskly in a tumbler of water, will make a satisfying glass of lemonade. If effervescent lemonade be desired, add one-half ounce of bi-carbonate of soda to the powder. [72]

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