1934 A Lifetime Collection of 688 Recipes for Drinks

PUNCHES American Beauty Punch

1 barspoonful of Creme de Menthe in goblet filled with fine ice Mix juice of ! orange -! barspoonful of sugar ! jigger of Brandy ! jigger French Vermouth

in mixing glas! Shake, strain into goblet Dress with fruit and mint Top off with I bar– spoonful of Port Wine

Astor Punch

i jigger Sloe Gin on top Dress with fruit in season

! jigger White Creme de Menthe Fine ice in goblet

Bill Meyer Punch

I dash of lemon juice I lump of loaf sugar 2 slices of pineapple 2 slices orange I slice lemon Use a large glass with 5

lumps of clear ice. Fill up with iml– ported Champagne

Stir well Dress with cherries and serve

Bishop Punch (Pitcher)

! juice of lemon I jigger of Syrup I jigger of Jamaica Rum

i pint of Claret (for party of 2 or 3) Dress with fruit and mint


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