1934 A Lifetime Collection of 688 Recipes for Drinks


American Picon Sour

Juice ! lemon Juice t lime

Shake well and strain into Sour glass Then put I slice orange, I slice pineapple and 1 cherry

I small barspoon of sugar i jigger Grenadine Syrup ! jigger American Picon

Brandy Sour

Shake Strain, dress with fruit

Juice of t lemon 1 barspoon of sugar I jigger Cognac

Brunswick Soim

Juice of I small lemon I barspoon of sugar I jigger Rye Whisky Shake

Strain and float Claret on top Same fruit as American Picon Sour

Canadian Whisky Sour

Juice of -! lemon Juice oft lime I barspoon of sugar I jigger Canadian Whisky II7

I dash Grenadine Shake well Dress with fruit

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