1934 A Lifetime Collection of 688 Recipes for Drinks

COCKTAILS HOW TO MIX NINTH LARGE EDITION bg ''ROBERT" THEM of the American Bar, Casino Municipale, Niu, and late of the Embassy Club, London E VERYBODY loves a cocktail; but not one in a thousand can mix one properly. With this book it is almost as simple as pre– paring the common-or-garden whisky and soda. Although this is a complete bartender's guide to the making of cocktails, it is some– thing more. It enables anyone to give a friend a cocktail in his own home, and a good cocktail too. The materials required for a large number of popular cocktails are to be found in any ordinary home. The few utensils necessary are indicated, and the cost is small.

In addition to cocktails, " Robert" tells how to mix cobblers, crustas, coolers, egg– nogs, fizzes, flips, frappes, high-balls, juleps, pousse-cafes, punches, rickeys, sangarees, slings, smashes, and sours. 2/6 net


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