1934 A Lifetime Collection of 688 Recipes for Drinks

COCKTAILS Applejack Cocktail


I dash Orange Bitters I jigger Apple Brandy

Squeeze piece lemon peel in nuxmg glass. Frappe Olive

Ardsley Cocktail

! jigger Calisaya

! jigger Sloe Gin. Shake

Armour Cocktail

! jigger Sherry. Stir

I dash Orange Bitters t jigger Italian Vermouth

Astoria Cocktail

1 dash Orange Bitters I jigger Apple Brandy

Squeeze piece of lemon in mixing glas!I. Frappe

Auto Cocktail

! jigger French Vermouth ! jigger Tom Gin

! jigger Scotch Whisky


Aviation Cocktail

i jigger Applejack ! jigger Lime Juice

1 dash Absinthe I

barspoonful Grena– dine Syrup. Shake

Bacardi Cocktail

t pony Grenadine Syrup i jigger Bacardi Rum

Juice of half lime Shake well.



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