1934 A Lifetime Collection of 688 Recipes for Drinks

RECIPES FOR DRINKS Millionaire Cocktail

I dash Orange Bitters 6 dashes Curai;:ao ! jigger Rye Whisky 2 dashes Grenadine Syrup

I whit(l of egg Stir well. Serve in claret glass

Miller Cocktail

Same as Colonial Cocktail

Milo Cocktail

i jigger Dry Gin. Stir

2 dashes Pepsin Bitters t jigger Italian Vermouth

Montana Cocktail

i jigger French Vermouth t jigger Brandy 2 dashes Port Wine

2 dashes Angostura Bitters 2 dashes Anisette Shake well

Morning Cocktail

! jigger Brandy ! jigger Italian Ver– mouth. Frappe

I dash Absinthe I dash Angostura Bitters

Nana Cocktail

I jigger Brandy. Shake

I white of egg

I barspoon of sug~r

Narragansett Cocktail

i jigger Rye Whisky t jigger Italian Vermouth

I dash Absinthe. Olive

Stir well

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